Pasta Angels

When I was very little, my parents used to make crafts all the time.  One of them that I remember the best were these little pasta angels.  I saw a project like this through Pinterest from Squidoo and wanted to share our version of it.

Supplies are listed below but what you basically want to do is assemble as seen above.  We used to do an assembly line.  My mom and dad would do most of the hot gluing (since I was very young) and I would do the hair.

    Use the hot glue gun for attaching the body, head, arms, wings and whatever the angel will hold.  Let dry (should be quick).

  1. Then apply tacky glue on the head and roll it into the tiny pasta for hair.  Let dry again.
  2. Spray paint whole angel and let dry yet again.
  3. Form halos from pipe cleaners and cut to size.
  4. With hot glue, attach halo and accessory.
  5. Hot glue thread around neck and hot glue in place, cutting the thread to length and knotting.

Done!  Now you can stockpile and give out as gifts like my family did for years after the first batch…


Farfalle ""Bowtie" Pasta (I know it looks different than ours but I have no idea what type of pasta the above is to have those different edges)

Macaroni Pasta (matched to size)

Rigatoni Pasta

Acini Di Pepe

Wooden Beads or Balls to match the size of your pasta

Plastic Miniatures (Probably not soldiers, but you see what size we're talking :P)

Gold (or silver) Pipe Cleaners

"Sturdy" Gold Thread

Hot Glue Gun

Tacky Glue (Elmers would probably work, too)

White Spray Paint

Strong Scissors (for the pipe cleaners - don't use your good fabric scissors!!!)


This is going to be a blog for the crafty things I plan on doing  at home as well as recipes and knitting and whatever else I think of.

Here’s hoping for many blessings in the coming year!